The Most Popular Doom Song, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 8, 2024 06:50
When it comes to the fervent world of Doom fans, debates about the best song are common. Each track, characteristically rich in both intensity and depth, might resonate differently from one listener to another. Understanding which song stands out according to the collective voice of the community can guide new listeners toward what might be considered the quintessential Doom experience. By contributing votes for your preferred songs, you help create a dynamic and continuously updated list that reflects the current preferences of fans around the globe. This list not only serves as a barometer for popularity but also helps to highlight how the community's preferences shift over time. Your participation ensures that the ranking stays fresh and relevant, providing a reliable resource for both newcomers and long-time fans alike.

What Is the Most Popular Doom Song?

  1. 1

    At Doom's Gate

    The iconic first level theme from the original Doom game, often considered the most recognizable track in the Doom series.
    • Game: Doom (1993)
    • Composer: Bobby Prince
  2. 2

    BFG Division

    A standout track from Doom (2016) known for its aggressive guitar work and driving rhythm.
    • Game: Doom (2016)
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
  3. 3

    The Only Thing They Fear Is You

    A track from Doom Eternal that captures the game's relentless pace and the Doom Slayer's unstoppable force.
    • Game: Doom Eternal
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
  4. 4

    Sign of Evil

    A haunting track from the original Doom that plays in the game's more ominous and eerie levels.
    • Game: Doom (1993)
    • Composer: Bobby Prince
  5. 5


    The theme that plays in the main menu of Doom (2016), setting the stage for the hellish carnage to follow.
    • Game: Doom (2016)
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
  6. 6

    E1M1 - Hangar

    Another name for 'At Doom's Gate,' the first level music from the original Doom that set the tone for the entire series.
    • Game: Doom (1993)
    • Composer: Bobby Prince
  7. 7

    Rip & Tear

    A high-energy track from Doom (2016) that perfectly encapsulates the game's intense action and ferocity.
    • Game: Doom (2016)
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
  8. 8


    The theme for the Spider Mastermind boss fight in Doom (2016), showcasing the game's blend of orchestral and electronic music.
    • Game: Doom (2016)
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
  9. 9

    Flesh & Metal

    A powerful and intense track from Doom (2016) that combines electronic elements with heavy metal.
    • Game: Doom (2016)
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
  10. 10

    Doom (Main Theme)

    The main theme of the original Doom, encapsulating the game's atmosphere and setting the tone for the series.
    • Game: Doom (1993)
    • Composer: Bobby Prince

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Doom song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 72 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Doom Song

The game Doom changed the landscape of video games when it launched in 1993. Its fast-paced action, groundbreaking graphics, and intense gameplay set it apart. One of the elements that stood out was its soundtrack. The music in Doom played a crucial role in creating the game's atmosphere.

The soundtrack featured heavy metal and rock influences. It matched the game's intense pace and dark themes. Players felt the adrenaline rush as they fought through hordes of demons. The music was composed using MIDI technology, which was common at the time. Despite the limitations, the composers managed to create memorable tracks.

The most popular track from Doom has a unique place in gaming history. It became iconic not just for its role in the game, but also for its influence on the genre. The track's tempo and rhythm mirrored the frantic nature of the gameplay. Players often found themselves humming the tune long after they stopped playing.

The popularity of this track extended beyond the game. Fans created covers and remixes, showcasing the song's lasting appeal. It appeared in various forms across different media, further cementing its status. The track's influence is evident in many modern games that seek to capture a similar feel.

The creation of the track involved a blend of inspiration and technical skill. The composers drew from a range of musical influences, blending them to create something new. They pushed the limits of the technology available to them. This combination of creativity and innovation helped the track stand out.

Over the years, the track has been celebrated by both fans and critics. It has been analyzed and discussed in various forums. Many consider it a benchmark for video game music. Its legacy continues as new generations of gamers discover Doom.

The track's success lies in its ability to enhance the gaming experience. It is more than just background music; it is an integral part of the game. The music and gameplay work together to create a cohesive experience. This synergy is a key reason for the track's enduring popularity.

The impact of this track on the gaming industry is significant. It set a standard for how music can elevate a game. Many developers have cited it as an inspiration. The track's influence can be seen in the way music is used in games today.

In conclusion, the most popular track from Doom is a landmark in video game music. Its blend of heavy metal and rock, combined with innovative use of technology, created a timeless piece. Its influence on both the game and the industry is undeniable. The track remains a beloved part of gaming culture, celebrated by fans old and new.

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