The Most Popular Royal Couple, Ranked

Choose the royal couple you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 5, 2024 08:05
Royal couples often capture the public's interest with their ceremonial roles, charitable work, and personal milestones. Their popularity can reflect broader cultural values and interests, shifting with each generation. Assessing which duos resonate most can offer insights into current trends and historical legacies. By voting for your favorite royal couples, you contribute to a collective evaluation of their impact and appeal. This dynamic ranking continually updates based on user input, providing a current snapshot of popular opinion. Your participation helps shape the outcome, reflecting the voices of many to highlight the most admired royal figures.

Who Is the Most Popular Royal Couple?

  1. 1

    Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

    Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, were married in 1947 and their marriage lasted until Prince Philip's death in 2021. They are celebrated for their long-standing commitment to public service.
    • Marriage Length: 73 years
    • Children: 4
  2. 2

    King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain

    Their 2004 marriage marked the union of Felipe, then Prince of Asturias, and Letizia, a former journalist. They ascended to the Spanish throne in 2014, known for their efforts in modernizing the Spanish monarchy.
    • Marriage Length: 19 years
    • Children: 2
  3. 3

    King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands

    Married in 2002, their marriage brought together Willem-Alexander, heir to the Dutch throne, and Máxima, an Argentine banker. They are known for their approachability and efforts to connect with the Dutch people.
    • Marriage Length: 21 years
    • Children: 3
  4. 4

    Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark

    The couple married in 2004, uniting Frederik, heir to the Danish throne, and Mary, originally from Australia. They are celebrated for their humanitarian work and efforts to promote Danish culture and businesses.
    • Marriage Length: 19 years
    • Children: 4
  5. 5

    Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

    Married in 2011, Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, are key figures in the younger generation of British royals, known for their charitable work and modernizing the monarchy.
    • Marriage Length: 12 years
    • Children: 3
  6. 6

    Prince Albert and Queen Victoria

    Married in 1840, their partnership was a true love match, and they had nine children. Albert's death in 1861 devastated Victoria, who mourned him for the rest of her life.
    • Marriage Length: 21 years
    • Children: 9
  7. 7

    Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

    Their 2018 wedding captivated millions worldwide. The couple later stepped back from royal duties and moved to the U.S., remaining influential through their charitable work and media presence.
    • Marriage Length: 5 years
    • Children: 2
  8. 8

    King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra

    Married in 1863, their relationship was marked by Edward's many affairs, though Alexandra remained a popular figure. They were known for their involvement in social causes and modernizing the British monarchy.
    • Marriage Length: Nearly 50 years
    • Children: 6
  9. 9

    King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother)

    Their marriage lasted from 1923 until the King's death in 1952. They were a symbol of stability during WWII, and the Queen Mother remained a beloved figure in Britain until her death in 2002.
    • Marriage Length: 29 years
    • Children: 2
  10. 10

    Prince Rainier III and Grace Kelly

    The marriage of Monaco's Prince Rainier III and Hollywood actress Grace Kelly in 1956 was a glamorous union that attracted global attention. Grace Kelly's transition from actress to Princess of Monaco was widely followed.
    • Marriage Length: 26 years
    • Children: 3

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular royal couple. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Monarch is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 81 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Monarch once every 24 hours. The rank of each Monarch is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Royal Couple

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
Rank #1 for the most popular royal couple: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip (Source)
A royal couple often captures the public's imagination. Their lives seem like a fairy tale. The allure of royalty draws people in. The world watches them closely. They represent tradition and modernity. Their every move makes headlines.

Royal couples have a long history. They often marry for alliances. This practice dates back centuries. It helped secure peace. It also strengthened kingdoms. Today, love plays a bigger role. Yet, duty remains important.

The public loves a good romance. A royal wedding is a grand event. It attracts global attention. Millions tune in to watch. The ceremony is full of pomp. It showcases rich traditions. The bride and groom wear exquisite outfits. They exchange vows in historic venues. The event includes parades and receptions. It brings joy to many.

The couple's life changes after the wedding. They take on new roles. They must balance personal and public lives. They attend many events. They support various causes. Their work often focuses on charity. They visit hospitals, schools, and other places. They meet many people. They listen to their stories. They offer support and hope.

The media follows them closely. Every detail of their life gets reported. This constant attention can be overwhelming. They must stay composed. They must also protect their privacy. They navigate this with grace.

Their fashion choices influence trends. People watch what they wear. Designers gain fame from their endorsements. Their style is often elegant. It mixes tradition with modernity. They set examples for many.

They often have children. The birth of a royal baby is a big event. It ensures the continuation of the royal line. The children grow up in the spotlight. They also take on duties as they grow older. They learn from their parents.

The couple's relationship evolves over time. They face challenges like any other couple. They must work together. They support each other. They show unity in public. This strengthens their bond.

Their influence extends beyond their country. They visit other nations. They meet foreign leaders. They promote goodwill. They foster international relations. Their presence can boost tourism. They bring attention to important issues.

The public feels a connection to them. They see them as symbols of stability. They inspire many. Their actions have a wide impact. They represent hope and continuity.

Their lives are not always easy. They face scrutiny and pressure. They must uphold traditions. They also must adapt to changing times. They balance these demands with care.

A royal couple's story is compelling. It blends history with the present. It showcases love and duty. It highlights the human side of royalty. Their journey fascinates many. They remain figures of interest and admiration.

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